Mental Well Being and Vipassana: An Effective Recipe


  • Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore


Vipassana Meditation (VM), which has its origin in India some 2500 years ago, has vanished from India and went to neighbouring countries, where it has been practised by some Buddhist monks. Developed by Siddartha Gautama (known as Gautama Buddha) and brought back to India from Burmese monks in 1969 by S. N. Goenka on guidance of his teacher Syagi U Ba Kin, this technique has been well popularised since then. Vipassana means “insight” in the ancient Pali language of India. It is the essence of teachings of Gautama Buddha (the enlightened one).  VM, often referred to as the quintessence of the Buddha’s teaching, is not merely a theory or philosophy for any kind of intellectual or philosophical discussion. But instead, it is down to earth, practical, rational, scientific, non-sectarian and result oriented technique that can be practised by one and all to get rid of sufferings and to remain in the state of mental wellbeing. The initial step of observance of one’s own pure, automatic, natural pattern of Respiration (Anna-Paan) to gain mastery of mind and subsequent step of observance of one’s own bodily sensations (mind-matter interactions) to attain the perfect state of Equanimity, is unique to VM. With such Equanimous state of mind, the soul gets rid of defilements acquired in life and there by leading to more peaceful and blissful life. Utilising Buddha’s three divisions of Sila (morality), Samadhi (mastery over mind) and Panna (purification of mind by developing insight), VM can be practised by people from any religion, culture, sect etc for attainment of healthy (balanced) state of mind. with such practice, the practitioner will be in a position to understand the impermanence nature of things or events in his life, subsequently shedding craving or aversion tendencies and will be able to tackle daily life stress with calmness and can lead a peaceful and blissful life.


