Factors that Influence on Acceptance Covid 19 Vaccination; Cross Sectional Study in Indonesia
vaccination, covid 19Abstract
Background:Indonesia accelerated the COVID-19 vaccination program in January 2021 to achieve herd immunity. The acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccination by the community is influenced by various factors that shape health behavior.
Destination:Knowing the factors that influence the acceptance of covid 19 vaccination in Indonesia. Method:Studiescross sectional surveywith the Indonesian population aged 17 years, namely 529 respondents. Data collection was carried out for 4 months online. Result: Bivariate analysis on gender variable, obtained p value = 0.038 (p < 0.05) meaning that statistically it is believed that there is a significant relationship between gender and acceptance of covid 19 vaccination. Based on education, p value = 0.000 (p>0, 05) it means that there is a significant relationship between education and acceptance of the covid 19 vaccination. In the knowledge variable, a p value is obtained = 0.009 (p <0.05) meaning that it is believed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and acceptance of the covid 19 vaccination. In the attitude variable, a p value is obtained. = 0.000 (p < 0.05) meaning that there is a significant relationship between attitude and acceptance of the covid 19 vaccination.17,463 CI 95% 7,458-40,886. Variable knowledgep-value = 0.011, OR= 3.21995% CI 1.341-7.728 and attitude variable withp-value= 0.000, OR= 2.01295% CI 1.358–2.981. The equation obtained is y = -0.513 (constant) +2,860(education)) +1,169 ((knowledge) +0,699(atittude) so that p=1/(1+2.7-4.22) = 0.9850, it means that respondents with good education, knowledge and attitudes have a probability of receiving a covid vaccination 98.5%.
Conclusion. Factors that influence the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination are age, education, knowledge and attitude.