Entrepreneurial Attributes responsible for Small and Medium Enterprise Growth in South Africa: Small and Medium Enterprise Owners’ perspectives


  • Thandukwazi Richman Ncube, Robert Walter Dumisani Zondo


business growth, business owner, creativity, entrepreneurial skills, furniture Manufacturing, Small and Medium Enterprises


Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) growth has been associated with overall business success and survival.  The need to achieve success is the motive to do well and achieve a goal set for growth.  Hence, this study examines the attributes embedded in small business owners that are responsible for the growth of SMEs in South Africa.  It assesses creativity and entrepreneurial skills as attributes that influence SME growth within small business owners operating in the furniture-manufacturing sector.  It was conducted in the eThekwini District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa. 

Of the 127 SME owners who represented their businesses, 112 participated in the study, representing an 88 per cent participation rate.  Correlative analyses were used to test the two objectives, that is, to examine if creativity and the entrepreneurial skills of small business owners have an influence on SME growth.  This study reveals that SME success depends on the proper use of entrepreneurial skills for starting and growing the businesses in the early years of establishment.  If creativity of SME owners can be enhanced, this will lead to a better support of national goals on job creation for South Africa.  The original value of this paper is its approach in uncovering business owner attributes responsible for SME growth within enterprises operating in the furniture sector.


