Information Systems for Academic Management INAN University in Peru


  • Edery León Alvarez-Salazar, José Eduardo Zorrilla-Díaz, José Manuel Palacios-Sánchez, Manuel Silva-Infantes, Carolina Lizet Zorrilla-Figueredo


This research entitled: "Information Systems for Academic Management of the National University Federico Villarreal, 2020", is focused on determining the efficiency of the use of Information Systems for Academic Management of the National University Federico Villarreal. This study responds to the explanatory type, while the research level is Basic. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional. The population is made up of 12,759 undergraduate students from the Federico Villarreal National University, enrolled during the 2020-2 Academic Semester, while the sample has been made up of 377 students through a proportional stratified sampling. 2 instruments of the present investigation were used. Being the first questionnaire oriented to Information Systems which has 17 closed Likert-type questions, while the second questionnaire is oriented to the aspect of Academic Management and has 23 closed Likert-type questions. The results of the research show that the use of Information Systems is significantly efficient for the Academic Management of the National University Federico Villarreal 2020, according to the regression ANOVA statistic (r2 = 0.45), with the value Sig. = 0.000 less than 0.05, which leads to rejecting the null hypothesis (Ho) and accepting the alternative hypothesis (H1).


