The Health Issues of Youth: Sexuality and Hiv/Aids
AIDS cases reported from all over the country revealed that fifty percent of the total male and female falls within the age range of 15-29 years which has a great implications for the overall socio-economic development of the country. There is a great need of knowledge and services on sexual and reproductive health.
Most of the youth in the age group of 15-25 are more vulnerable to HIV infection in India. And most of them had their first sexual experience with female sex worker without using condom because the main reason is that they are unaware and unconscious about its consequences. Generally, young boys and girls are used to seek sexual pleasure without bothering about proper and constantly use of precautionary method.
In India, more than 85 percent of the reported AIDS cases in the sexually active and economically productive 15 and 45 year old age groups. The main source of HIV infection of new cases occurs through unprotected heterosexual sex, mainly within adolescents and young people group. Besides, young boys and adolescents girls responsible for countless new HIV infections due to their unauthentic information related to the sexuality.
Present research paper focused on the sources of information about the sex and getting fulfill the sexual pleasure or lust responsible for their severe health issues related due to unsafe sex, HIV/AIDS and STDs due to which majority of the youth may get infected with HIV virus as well as sexually transmitted infections too.