Massage Therapy Among Pre-term Infants: An Evidence Based Practice


  • Georgina P. Maskay


Massage Therapy, Preterm Infants, Evidence Based Practice


Infant massage is noted to have been in practice for a long time by most countries. Recently, most professionals and non-professionals alike are utilizing infant massage. An extensive literature search of Google scholar, Pub Med, EBSCO host, CDC, AHRQ, WHO, was done. Two hundred and seven articles were found and reviewed resulting to seven articles being critically appraised. Results showed that massage therapy among preterm infants will increased weight of low birth weight preterm neonates at two months old. It is also noted that massage therapy is similar to kangaroo carry since both increases birth weight thereby decreasing hospital stay. These findings support massage therapy among preterm infants provided that nurses and mothers will comply with proper massage therapy protocol/guideline.  Using an evidence-based guideline will have low cost to the patient and will decreased workload of nurses. A seminar/workshop for NICU nurses that would enable them to train concerned mothers regarding massage therapy for preterm infants.


