Spiritual Intelligence and Islamic Leadership and Locus of Control Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Performance at State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN) in East Java
Spiritual Intellegence, Islamic Leadership, Locus of Control, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and PerformanceAbstract
Aim: This research provides benefits for actors or poliy makers in educational institutions, especially in universities, especially for decision makers structural officials related to Spiritual Intelligence, Islamic Leadership, Locus of Control, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and performance.
Methodology: This research is a causal associative research and the author uses a quantitative approach. This research uses a descriptive method. This research was conducted on education staff at the State Islamic Religious College in East Java. The population in this study were all echelon officials at the State Islamic Religious Colleges of East Java, including: Head of Bureau, Head of Sub-section (head of Sub-section), Kabag (Head of Division) at PTKIN (State Islamic Religious College of East Java) including: IAIN Jember, IAIN Madura, IAIN Tulungagung, IAIN Kediri, IAIN Ponorogo. Number of echelon officials at PTKIN (State Islamic Religious College) in East Java. The sampling is taken through saturated sampling or census.
Finding: The results show that the spiritual intelligence variable in the variable locus of control illustrates that the p value is 0.000. It is lower than the significance level of 0.05. In the variable spiritual intelligence on Organizational citizenship behavior, thevariable spiritual intelligenceis 0.281 or 28.1% with a positive direction. The spiritual intelligence variable on performance shows a value of 0.340 or 34% in a positive direction. The spiritual intelligence variable on Islamic leadership shows that the value of t count is 2.703, and the value of p is 0.007 <0.05. The Locus of Control variable on organizational citizenship behavior has a t count of 5.106 and a p value of 0.000 <0.05. In the locus of control variable on performance, the t-count value is 2.410 and the p-value is 0.16. In the Islamic leadership variable on organizational citizenship behavior the value of t count is 0.377 and the value of p value is 0.707 <0.05. In the Islamic leadership variable on performance, the t-count value is 1.295 and the p- value is 0.196 <0.05. On the variable organizational citizenship behavior on performance where the value of t count is 5.135 and the value of p value is 0.000 <0.05. In the Islamic leadership variable mediating spiritual intelligence on the performance of the structural coefficient of 0.465 and the average score of the spiritual intelligence variable is 3.88 and the average performance variable is 4.13. The variable organizational citizenship behavior mediating spiritual intelligence on performance shows a coefficient of 0.340.
Conclusion: This study found that the SI variable on the LOC variable is an employee's ethical decision as the influence of SI will be higher and ethical if the employee has internal LOC. The SI variable affects positively on OCB. The SI variable on performance positively affects where the SI governed by employees increases by itself,and improves the impact of their Spiritual intelligence on Islamic leadership. The higher the level of spiritual intelligence, the better the IL will be. The LOC variable significantly affects OCB .the increase of the employee confidence, both internally and externally, stimulate the improvement of their the OCB.. The LOC variable significantly affects performance. The IL variable on OCB has no significant effect. The IL variable does not significantly determine performance. The OCB variable does not indicate any impact on performance performance. The IL variable mediating SI evidently increase the performance. The OCB variable mediating SI on performance has a direct and significant effect between OCB on performance.