How is information literacy in addressing plagiarism for new students at indonesian higher education?


  • Ali Mudlofir, Zaini Tamin AR, Moh. Takwil, Hanik Yuni Alfiyah, Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah


Information literacy, plagiarism, new students, colleges


Objective - With the development of information in various formats, scientific papers face the challenge of plagiarism. Therefore, the study aims to analyze information literacy in avoiding plagiarism for new students in college. The limited research related to information literacy in Indonesia, in dealing with plagiarism, is the basis for this research.

Method - This research is a case study with a collaborative research design to change learning practices in the classroom. A qualitative approach is used in this study to provide a deep presentation of data. The data presented in this article are based on library data with relevant references, interviews (lecturers, librarians, and new students), surveys, and class observations for 1 semester. Research instruments in the form of questions and statements with multiple indicators. Researchers dig a variety of data sources that can assist researchers in triangulating to facilitate analysis.

Findings - In this study, found that 18% of students access information or references from the Internet. Although students understand the terms of plagiarism, the way of accessing information from the Internet is where plagiarism can occur. The probability of plagiarism is inevitable as the digital era, academic creativity, and basic understanding of plagiarism itself. The implementation of information literacy becomes an effective alternative solution in avoiding plagiarism action. Relying on Anderson's taxonomy theory, information literacy is used as a framework for building an information literacy program with a series of 6 levels: remembering, understanding, implementing, analyzing, evaluating, creating. Information literacy is proven to facilitate
students' understanding that they can become participants in scientific activities by avoiding the plagiarism of other people's work. Thus, the credibility of the student as an academic human being will be awakened and accountable.

Significance - These research findings implicate the development of implementation measures and optimization of information literacy in the handling of plagiarism. Thus, it can improve the academic performance and credibility of students in Indonesian universities.


