Developing an Ideal Personality Based on Traditional Malayu Values, West Kalimantan


  • Hastiani, Andi Mappiare, Adi Atmoko, Blasius Boli Lasan1


ideal personality, Malayu values, character, teenagers


This study aims to develop the ideal personality through indigenous counselling based on values ​​of Robo-Robo tradition. This study used Qualitative approach which in triple hermeneutics type, the validity of the data using triangulation, intersubjectivity and peer review. Data sources of Melayu ethnic book, humanist additional data sources and the author of the Robo-Robo tradition. Melayu values of character are Harmonious, Generous, The heir's soul, Self Authenticity, Creative, Assertiveness, Accuracy, Honesty, Neatness. Identity values are Religious Identity, Work Identity and Ethnic Identity. Values about social skill are Friendship, Gathering, Cooperation, Simplicity, Social Care, and Togetherness.


