Perception of Lecturers on the Analysis of Factors for Effective Academic Assessment


  • Sorie Saidu Kamara, Sundari Dadhabai


This study examined and analyzed summative and formative assessment as to which one that is more important for effective academic assessment. Synopsis of the justifications on how they complement with each other and differ only by the way they are used is provided. The study also explored the strategies, challenges, influence and important of assessment among Freetown Polytechnic College lectures in Sierra Leone. The researcher reported results of an investigation of a sample size of 142 lecturers from a population of 437 lectures in the college. A systematic questionnaire with a five-point likert scale was used to obtain the primary data. Four objectives and three hypotheses were formulated. At the 0.05 level of significance, descriptive and inferential statistics were utilised to examine the objectives and test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that summative assessment is the most important method for effective academic assessment. Frequent assessment of students is the main important strategy; seating arrangement and invigilators’ behaviour are the major challenges; and attending lectures regularly, creativity and intelligence of the student are the essential factors influencing students’ academic assessment. Research hypotheses tested revealed that, the data are normal and statistically significant at 0.05 levels, for both summative and formative assessments. Result also indicates a weak correlation of 0.262** but a significant relationship exists between summative and formative assessment because p-value of 0.002, is less than α= 0.05 (0.002 < 0.05).


