The Effectiveness of Taekwondo Footwork in Kickboxing


  • Alexey A. Poteryakhin, Viktor L. Kondakov


Modern types of martial arts are increasingly perceived as combinations of improved techniques of several types of wrestling, contributing to increased efficiency, endurance, increased speed and fitness of athletes. Therefore, the aim of the study was to develop a new, improved methodology for preparing effective taekwondo strikes in various sections of kickboxing. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: 1) analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign scientific and information sources of literature on the problem of research; 2) pedagogical supervision; 3) testing; 4) methods of static and mathematical processing of recorded data for the purpose of their subsequent interpretation 5) biometric methods (content analysis). At the same time, three educational organizations of the city of Belgorod acted as a research base, whose students were involved in the educational and training process. The participants of the experimental part of the study were kickboxers, whose training was conducted from 2011 to 2021. The results of the systematic training process recorded during the athletes' performance clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the author's taekwondo training program, which was reflected in the performance of athletes engaged during competitions and performances in medals at cups and championships of Russia, Europe and the world.


