Compliance and Extent of Satisfaction on the Implementation of Anti-Red Tape Act in Higher Education: The Case of Cagayan State University


  • Dennis M. Bacuyag, Joel P. Binasoy


Citizen’s Charter; Higher Education; Ant-Red Tape Act; Level of Compliance; Extent of Satisfaction


The essence of Citizen’s Charter is to empower citizens by mentioning their rights, privileges and duties that would make the administration less bureaucratic-dominated and more citizen-led. Cagayan State University is an institution that seek to improve its public service delivery through introducing Citizen’s Charter. The objective of this study was to probe whether this “good governance tool” would meet its expectations for improving services to the public.  The study used the descriptive method of research employing questionnaires as main instruments in gathering data. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used to get a comprehensive picture of reality. Based on the findings, the study concludes that the service providers of Cagayan State University are fully aware of RA 9485 or the Anti-Red Tape Act, however, the compliance of the provision as in regards to (1) Citizen’s Charter (2) Anti-Fixer Campaign (3) Identification Cards (4) Public Assistant and Complaints Desk PACD and the (5) Observance of the No Noon Break Policy are not fully complied at times. Overall, the clients are satisfied with the implementation of the Citizen’s Charter. The study recommends that the posting of the Citizen’s Charter should be posted in every conspicuous place for the clients to see and for them to read so that they will be socially aware as to direction of all available services. Additionally, physical set-up and Working Conditions: improve the physical set-up by placing more chairs in the waiting areas which will be properly ventilated, clean and orderly for frontline service units


