Female university student-athletes' perception about male coaches' sexually explicit behavior. Sindh, Pakistan.


  • Dr. Shireen Bhatti


female athletes, male coaches, perception, sexually explicit behavior


Investigating sexually explicit behaviors in sport has become an active research field within the past decade yet there is little known about the sexually explicit behavior of male coach in Pakistani context. The focus of this article is the perception of female athletes (n=85) about sexually explicit behavior of male coach towards female athletes and encounter of female athletes with sexually explicit behavior during camp, training and P.E class in Pakistan. The tool employed in research is a questionnaire of Vanden Auweele et al. (2008) consisting of self-developed and modified scales (sports specific touch and behavior versus unwanted intimacy from coaches). The findings of this cross-sectional study regarding the perception of female athletes about their encounter with sexually explicit behavior during camp, training and P.E classes in Pakistan indicate nepotism/favoritism on Physical appearance of female athletes, unwanted behavior, threats and rejections, forced physical intimacy, unawareness of female athletes about sexual harassment law, reluctant behavior of female athletes towards reporting coach’s behavior, cyber harassment and sports attire. Whereas the findings regarding the perception of female athletes about sexually explicit behavior of male coach towards female athletes indicate coaches’ misuse of position, inadequate number of female coaches and no background check of male coaches. This suggests that to address this problem, sport organizations have to play their role by making changes at educational and organizational levels.


