Evaluation of post operative visual outcome in small incision and phacoemulsification cataract surgeries
Phacoemulsification, small incision, Outcome, SurgeriesAbstract
Background: Modern cataract surgeries are very safe and effective. They are performed with the intraocular lenses. One of the most popular techniques used in developing countries is small incisional cataract surgery. Phacoemulsification and manual small-incision cataract surgery (MSICS) are the most commonly done procedures. Phacoemulsification is considered the gold-standard procedure for cataract. However, MSICS has emerged as a popular procedure of choice in the surgical treatment of cataracts as it is less expensive and is as effective as phacoemulsification. The objective of the study is to evaluate of post -operative visual outcome in small incision and phacoemulsification cataract surgeries. Methods: prospective observational study was carried out in the Department of Ophthalmology at Era University, Lucknow to evaluate the visual outcome in patients undergoing cataract surgery by two different methods. Total 3372 patients were enrolled through convenience sampling and were divided into two groups according to the surgery they had undergone. Group A-1776 eyes undergone phacoemulsification and group B-1596 eyes operated by SICS method. Results: Among 3372 participants 1776 went for phacoemulsification, out of them 863 (61.0%) got good visual outcome and 913 (39.0%) got poor visual outcome. 1596 patients underwent SICS, out of them only 522 (34.6%) got good outcome and 1044 (53.3%) got poor visual outcome. Conclusion: Phacoemulsification technique has the advantage of early visual rehabilitation after cataract surgery and this is mainly attributed to the small incision size used