The Dialectic of Time and Space in the Abstract Expressionism Jackson Pollock as a sample
There is no doubt that studying the relationship between time and space in the space of plastic art means studying the essence of the artistic vision and its drivers within the artwork. The process of the relationship (temporal - spatial) that governs many plastic arts, some of them researched the aesthetics of the place, and some of them talked about the nature of time, the aesthetics of temporal vision, and other concepts and terms, and despite the differences of these studies, but they fall into one stream, Most of them agree on the inseparability of time and space in revealing the essence of the artistic vision, and we can consider the dialectic of time and space as one of the motive structures of artistic connotations in contemporary plastic art, especially if we realize that time and space are a coherent process in the formation of the artwork and since the place is the space that is reflected on it. Temporal events, as the point of stimulation of the place, its transformations, and its upheavals, the specificity of the place lies in the temporal influence and the specificity of time lies in the spatial influence, according to the intimacy relationship that combines it What. Although we do not physically perceive time and do not feel it by touching, seeing, or any of the elements of the five senses, it has a presence in the mind on the basis of human action or the movement of things in the universe. Determining its fate, and in light of the foregoing of the importance of time and place in the artistic work, it became necessary to shed light on these two correlative variables and to identify the dialectical correlative relationship between them in the drawings of abstract expressionism, and analyze it philosophically and aesthetically in the products of Jackson Pollock formally and implicitly. The problem of the current research can be determined by the question The following: (Is there a dialectical, concurrent or contradictory relationship between time and space in contemporary art)?