The Role of Behavioural Economics Mechanisms in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
This study clarifies the reasons for the weakness of the efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations in 2015, with the hope of realizing them in 2030, despite the global international organization harnessing all its capabilities for this, and most countries, if not all of them, have issued legislations that require or encourage the achievement of these goals, What made matters worse was the occurrence of the health crisis that struck the whole world and which stopped or at least delayed all public and private projects, including the plan to achieve the sustainable development goals, which required the search for more successful means and mechanisms in this regard, on top of which is the behavioral economy mechanisms, since the latter is involved with Sustainable development in many matters, such as seeking to control human behavior, humanize economic relations and facilitate various processes. One of the most prominent recommendations of the study was the use of behavioral economics applications for ease, social, attractiveness and timeliness to contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable development.