Reconstruction of Consumer Legal Protection in E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia


  • Abd. Syakur, Gunarto, Anis Mashdurohatun, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih


Modern trade through the Internet requires legal protection for consumers in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia, which is considered important given the phenomenon of new legal problems for consumers in trade transactions in Indonesia, where consumers often do not have a strong bargaining position and place consumers in a weak position. Legal protection of consumer rights in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia cannot be provided by one legal aspect alone, but by a legal system capable of providing simultaneous and comprehensive protection. E-commerce transactions do not have geographic boundaries, so consumers in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia need a form of legal protection for consumers in dispute resolution to fight for their rights. The existence of UUPK (Consumers Protection Law) needs to be reviewed because the characteristics of e-commerce require special attention and handling. Consumer protection law in Indonesia is still limited to consumers with conventional transaction types. Meanwhile, the development of the industrial or business world is far from the reality of existing laws and regulations, especially those related to consumer protection. So that it is absolutely in the area of ​​consumer protection for e-commerce where transaction activities can occur across existing legal jurisdictions; a legal reform is needed. Philosophically, the consumer is an individual who has the right to still be able to meet his standard of living through his own needs and fulfillment of needs.


