Meaning of Spiritual Heritage of Khodja Ali Romitaniy


  • Navruzova Gulchehra Negmatovna, Ubaydova Vazira Erkinovna


The article presents a philosophical analysis of the spiritual heritage of the fourth feast of the holy Bukhara, the great Khoja Ali Romitani (1191-1321), known as Hazrat Azizon, a feast of the 13th ring of the Sufi tariqah of Khojagan based on sources and highlights their important aspects for the education of a perfect person. Based on reliable sources, it is substantiated in the article that 16 drops of the elixir of life (rashha) were saved from Hazrat Azizon – life-giving proverbs, rubyes and one treatise, and their content and essence are also highlighted. The article reveals the influence of Hazrat Azizon on the spiritual development of Bahauddin Naqshband and the fact that his spiritual heritage served as the source of Naqshbandi's teachings. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that the authorship of Khoja Ali Romitani “Risolai Hazrat Azizon” is justified, and based on a copy of this work, which is stored in the fund of the Bukhara State Museum of Art and Architecture under No. 12515-11, is included in the process of scientific analysis. This source was published in 1327/1909 in the Bukhara printing house of the “Bukhara Sharif”. This treatise covers ten conditions of human perfection: to be pure, the meaning of silence, solitude, fasting, remembrance, preservation of memory, consent, conversation, alertness and attention to food. The focus is on highlighting the essence and significance of the concept of permitted food.


