Improvement of Writing Skills at Different Stages of English Learners


  • Abdullayeva Umida Nigmatullayevna, Nasirova Umida Kamolovna, Nabieva Khilola Abdulmuratovna, Irgasheva Dildora Khabibullayevna, Muratova Nargiza Bakhramovna


            Poetry and music are elements of each human society. They show many aspects of its culture - the relationship to the past and the ancestors, the faith, the fun and the anxieties of its people, the hopes and the view of the future. On the other hand they give people energy who had none before or they can change people’s mood. They occur in all phases of one’s life from birth to death. So they play an important role in the process of learning and using the mother tongue. “Songs and poems are also an essential part of foreign language learning for young learners” (Phillips 1993). The aim of the research paper is to research and analyze the use of poetry, and to widen it among teachers to use songs and poems to explain the topic and to help pupils acquire the alien language. The primary aim of this study is to explore the views of Uzbek medium school EFL teachers about songs and using songs in teaching English to young learners.

The structure of the research work is the following: Introduction which covers actuality, aims and purposes, scientific novelty and objectives of the work. Main body consists of two chapters and subchapters. Conclusion deals with the results of the research work. References which include all necessary materials and resources used while the research.



