Prenatal Care Seeking Behaviour of Rural Primi-Gravida Mothers during COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Selected Districts of Tripura.
Back ground: Increase awareness of maternal and new-born health needs and self-care during pregnancy and the postnatal period, including the need for social support during and after pregnancy is one of the essential elements of a focused approach to antenatal care.
Objective: To identify the level of awareness on available prenatal services and care seeking pattern during the COVID-19 Pandemic lock-down among the rural primigravida mothers.
Materials and Method: A community-based descriptive survey was carried out to collect the information from 100 primi gravida mothers residing in existence of Rural Tripura.
Result: Mean age of the participants was 20.85 years and SD=1.62. 87%[OR=5.15, CI=2.13 to 12.43, P=0.00], participants were aware and more likely to attend Ante-natal clinic for early registration. 67% [OR=1.14, CI=0.89 to 1.46, P=0.28 & 0.94] participants demonstrating poor knowledge about COVID-19 Pandemic. 83% [OR=11.82, CI=3.64 to 38.42, P=0.00] were perceived more likely to seek the all government facilities whereas 17% are not due to fear of getting COVID-19 infection and isolated in separate place.There is a significant (R= -0.4936, P = < .00001 at p < .05) negative Correlation between perception, awareness on seeking ANC services and Practice of health hygiene during COVID-19 Pandemic situation (R= -0.3105, P= is .001697 at p < .05).
Conclusion: Less awareness and low utilization of available prenatal services among the rural mothers during COVID-19 Pandemic situations due to fear of getting COVID-19 infection and other constraints.