Adoption of Maternal Role during the Postpartum Period in First-Time Pregnant Women


  • Judith Cristina Martínez-Royert, Milena Pereira Peñate, Carmen María Carrero-González


Introduction: the puerperium is the period that begins after childbirth, characterized by a complex network of changes and transformations in women, in their subjectivity, identity, sexuality.

Objective: to reveal the experiences of women in their maternal role during the puerperium in Mexico and Colombia.

Methodology: qualitative-descriptive, from the perspective of Husserian Phenomenology; early participants with term pregnancies, of low and medium risk requiring evaluation, Monitoring and development of labor and childbirth within the Health Service Providers Institutions in Culiacan Sinaloa and Barranquilla Atlántico. The selection of participants was for convenience until reaching data saturation, inclusion and exclusion criteria were established; the technique and instrument was the in-depth interview recorded and transcribed, the analysis was carried out in 6 phases: Information familiarization, open coding, axial coding, creation of central themes and sub-themes according to living codes, creation of thematic map and final report according to specific analysis to themes and sub-themes.

Results and Conclusions: The experiences of women in each of the stages of the puerperium converge in situations that impact on the adaptation of the maternal role; mothers, expressed their lack of experience for the upbringing of a child, feel emotions as fear, guilt, anguish due to inexperience in this new role and the responsibilities it entails. Mothers look back at the moments they have lived, to make way for the moment when they expressed happiness by holding their child, they forget the moments of pain and anguish in the previous stages (part-time work and childbirth). Women’s education and information are key to assuming this maternal role with confidence and confidence. Nursing professionals must understand and understand the feelings, thoughts and concerns of these mothers; know their social and cultural context to provide care in accordance with their expectations and needs to contribute to the adoption of the maternal role in these new mothers since this experience is unique and will be part of their life history.


