Analysis of University Students' Perceptions Explaining University Quality: Validation of Measurement Scales


  • Maluk O.A. Facultad De Emprendimiento, Negocios y Economía Universidad Espíritu Santo


In the present study, an instrument to measure some latent variables of perception (constructs) on university quality from the students' point of view was validated. Factor analysis with dimension reduction and varimax rotation together with Cronbach's alpha reliability analysis were used in the validation.The scales validated for Ecuador contain 15 constructs that can be used by universities and institutions of higher education to massify research and promote continuous quality improvement. A group of 6 universities lead the final rating with very good averages and another group of 4 lagged behind with regular to good averages. A sample of 782 university students was analyzed and the analysis of descriptive statistics, contingency tables, box plots, multivariate analysis, binary logistic regressions and multiple linear regressions preceded the conclusions. An exploratory regression model was constructed based on the multiple regressions performed, with Quality as the final dependent variable and Satisfaction as a partial mediating variable. A massive investigation in universities was recommended.


