The User Experience of Novel Spatial Video Game for Children – Comparison of Mobile and Desktop Digital Platforms
The Novel Spatial skills training educational video game was designed to improve the spatial skills, mathematical skills, reading and writing skills of the children. This game is suitable for children above five years. The game be played by both typically and atypically developing children. This video game can be used in the mobile, laptop or desktop. The purpose of this study is to find out the user experience of playing games in mobile and desktop digital platforms. Total of 40 children, 20 children in each group between the age 5-10 years, both gender was included in the study. After the single play, the user experience was collected through the self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of nine questions which address the screen size, visibility of the fonts, display clarity, sound clarity, use of navigation keys, placement of the checker box, strain on hand, mouse/touch screen usage, which was answered either yes or no. The descriptive statistic of the study shows that the 60% of children are comfortable in playing with the desktop and 40 % of the children are comfortable in playing in the mobile. The children finds difficulty in playing the game by holding the mobile in hand. The implication of the study is that usage of desktops can be entertained in schools where the child has the opportunity of the blended method of learning. The digital play along with the teaching sessions will increase the motivation and attention level of the children.