Existence of Local Local Vendors Electronically Filling E-Catalogue/E-Purchasing Procurement System (Spse) in an Effort to Meet the Needs of Government Procurement E-Marketplace


  • Iskandar Muda, Erlina, Agung Wahyudhi Atmanegara, Abdillah Arief Nasution


E-Catalogue, E-Purchasing, E-Marketplace, Electronic Procurement System (SPSE)


In line with the enactment of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 28 of 2018 concerning the Procurement of Government Goods and Services which regulates a new regulation on E-Marketplace which regulates the procurement of government goods and services through the electronic market. The provision of electronic catalog services includes the National Catalog, Sectoral Catalog and Local Catalog. This implies that carrying out all Government Procurement of Goods/Services through the Electronic Procurement System (e-procurement). This is of course an obstacle for local vendors who have limited knowledge of electronic procurement and the listing process on the e-catalog menu. This study aims to (1) determine the existence of small and medium-scale local vendors in the region in their contribution to providing the maximum value for money (value for money) in increasing the use of domestic products, (2) increasing the role of micro, small and medium enterprises. in sustainable development in the region and (3) knowing the role of small and medium scale local vendors in the region to fill in the E-Catalogue/E-Purchasing Electronic Procurement System (SPSE) in an effort to meet the needs of the government procurement e-marketplace. To analyze and prove the hypothesis, an empirical test was carried out in the form of a Q Square prediction with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Smart PLS 3.3. The method used in data collection is primary data survey on 112 small and medium scale vendors in Tanah Karo Regency, North Sumatra. To obtain the truth of reliable information and a complete picture of certain information, researchers can use interviews and observations or observations to check the truth. In addition, researchers can also use different informants to check the truth of the information. Triangulation at this stage is carried out if the data or information obtained from the subject or research informant is doubtful. The results of the study concluded that the Variable Budgeting Procurement Payment_Integrated System had no significant effect on the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The E-Marketplace variable has a significant effect on the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The E-Marketplace variable has a significant effect on the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The E-Purchasing (X3) variable has no significant effect on the Budgeting Procurement Payment_Integrated System. The E-Purchasing variable has a significant effect on the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The Local E-Catalogue (X1) variable has a significant effect on the Budgeting Procurement Payment_Integrated System. The Local E-Catalogue (X1) variable has no significant effect on Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The implications of this research in the form of data collection and registration of local vendors must be carried out which will later be included in the process of Procurement of Government Goods/Services through the Electronic Procurement System (e-procurement) so that the regional economy will be more mobile.


