Study Mobilizations of Savings Through Mutual Fund Prefrence with Pondicherry State
Introduction of Mutual Funds, Scope, Objectives, Types, Role of mutual funds in the financial market, Limitation, Conclusion etc.Abstract
A mutual fund is a professionally managed investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. It is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools investors' money and invests it in stock market-linked financial instruments such as stocks and bonds to generate returns. The combined holding of the fund is known as its portfolio. It collects the savings from the small investors, invest them in government and other corporate securities and earn income through interest and dividends, besides capital gains. Mutual fund is a collective savings scheme. It places an important role in mobilizing the savings of the small investors and channeling the same for productive ventures in the Indian economy. Each fund is divided in two equal portions or unit. Units are allotted to the person in proportion of his investment in mutual fund. Each fund is a pool of diversified securities. A mutual fund is nothing more than a collection of stocks and or bonds. A mutual fund is a professionally managed type of collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors to buy stocks, bonds, short-term money market instrument, and/or other securities. They have a who identify the right stocks and debt instruments and construct a portfolio that promises to deliver the best possible ‘consttrained’returns at the minimum possible cost. In effect, it involves outsourcing the management of money. As in case of an investor while making an investment, faces a problem in relation with selection of appropriate scheme of investment. This research is identify to fill this gap and help the investor public, whose saving potentials are increasing, to invest their savings, which may help mobilizing resources for the economic development of the country. The study the role of mutual fund in the mobilization of savings and examine the structure and growth pattern of mutual fund industry then analyses the attitude of mutual fund investors towards the factors like safety, liquidity, tax benefits, returns and savings. The research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done systematically. This uses various instruments for performing the research operations and it deals with research design, data collection methods and various statistical tools.
The research is “Study Mobilizations of Savings through Mutual Fund Preference with Pondicherry State” is carried with the objectives of evaluating the various kinds of mutual funds available in the market and found that open ended fund is the most popular and more using fund in the market. The research point out some suggestions which helps to improve the performance of mutual fund Pondicherry and few companies and brokers it also helps to attract new investors.