Analyzing Information Systems Capabilities (ISC) and Organizational Agility (OA) in Pakistan
Environmental dynamism has been erecting numerous challenges and opportunities for organizations which are already fighting tooth and nail in order to survive and sustain their competitive advantages. The more agile an organization is the more are the chances for its survival. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of information systems capabilities (ISC) on organizational agility (OA) in an emerging economy like Pakistan. In highly chaotic environments a firm’s survival is solely dependent on the effective implementation of agile structure, therefore we are considering that information systems capabilities (ISC) will enhance the level of organizational agility (OA) and are analyzing whether there is direct link between ISC-OA or an indirect link between them. Besides, we consider Absorptive Capacity (AC) as a mediating variable and environmental factors which include complexity, dynamism, and environmental hostility as moderating variables. The partial least square (PLS) will be used to test the framework proposed in the study. Although the concept of agility varies from developing to developed countries but this study will examine agility particularly for a developing country like Pakistan. Furthermore, we will examine the MNCs of Pakistan in order to ascertain that whether these MNC’s are agile or not? And to what extent the challenges within the environment are driving these MNCs towards agility.