Increased satisfaction of participants to the quality of bpjs health information services through officer competence: is it effective?


  • Nahdiana, Alimuddin Unde, Sudirman Nasir, Yunus Amar


satisfaction, health information services, health workers


The competence of health workers in providing health information services becomes one of the factors that can provide participants satisfaction with the services they receive. This study aims to find out the influence of the competence of health workers in providing health information services to BPJS Health participants on participant satisfaction. The study uses a quantitative design with survey methods. The population in this study was a non-PBI Health BPJS participant (not a Contribution Assistance Recipient) with a PPU category (Wage Earner Worker) of 405 people. Data is processed and analyzed descriptively qualitatively using the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Model) approach. The results showed that the communicator variables had a positive effect on the satisfaction of BPJS Health participants based on t-statistics values of 3.80 > 1.69 and significant path coefficient values of 0.264 with p-values of 0.000 < 0.05. This shows that the competence of health workers contributes to the satisfaction of BPJS Health participants. The results of this study are expected to provide input to BPJS Health to further improve the quality of officers in providing health information services to participants


