Chatbots and their Implication in Rural Education


  • Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Fernando Viterbo Sinche Crispin, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Mildred Jénica Ledesma Cuadros, Javier Pedro Flores Arocutipa, Luis Pablo Diaz Tito


chatbot, rural education, virtual assistant, education 4.0.


A chatbot is software by means of which simulated conversation can be exchanged through a virtual AI environment. This article seeks to determine the implications of the use of this technological tool in rural education. It details the uses that universities are giving to chatbots, also called virtual assistants. The few works of experiences in basic education correspond to the learning portals of Videame and Adimat. The work considers the trends demanded by the fourth industrial revolution (4RI) in relation to education 4.0. The review of the bibliography has been carried out in the academic managers of Dialnet, Redalyc, Google Scholar, and in technology journals of worldwide prestige and has had two considerations: a broad search for the formulation of the concept, type, development, implementation and use of the chatbot in the educational field


