An Observational Approach towards Waist-to-Height Ratio in Assessing Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Affluent School Going Children
Background-Overweight children with a higher WHtR are more likely to have higher cardio metabolic diseases. It is calculated by dividing the abdominal waist circumference by height. Higher values indicate higher risk of obesity related cardiovascular diseases (CVD).1 It's also an indicator of risk for obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and hypertension. When calculating Waist to Height Ratio, it’s the abdominal waist circumference that’s relevant.
Aim and objectives-To assess the overall effectiveness of waist-to-height ratio in children between 10 years to 16 years of age in school going children in early detection of cardiovascular diseases.
Materials and method-Demographic profile and the clinical data were collected using a pre-structured proforma Anthropometry and blood pressure was recorded using standard protocols. Based on anthropometry, BMI, WHtR will be calculated by measuring the waist circumference with a non stretchable measuring tape at the approximate mid point between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest.
Results-Total 1450 subjects were included into the study in which 82.75% were with CMR 17.24% [table-1]. Out of 1200 subjects who were without CMR 37.5% were males and 62.5% candidates were females. Subjects with CMR 46% were male and 54% were females.
Conclusion-In conclusion, waist to height ratio is a simple, easy to implicate, age/sex independent cut off value which identifies the child with high cardio metabolic risk. Hence, waist to height ratio can be used in clinical practice for obesity screening, Parental counselling and lifestyle modification and regular health check-up is must for all the children.