The Effect of Healthy Honey on Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women With Mild Anemia
Healthy Honey, Hemoglobin Level, Pregnant Women, Mild AnemiaAbstract
Background: This study aims to analyze the effect of giving healthy honey on hemoglobin levels in mild anemic pregnant women.
Methods: A quasi-experimental was conducted at the Bara-Baraya Health Center Makassar with 60 pregnant women as samples divided into an intervention group of 30 pregnant women and a control group of 30 pregnant women. Prior to the intervention, the Hb levels were checked in both groups. Furthermore, the intervention group was given 10 ml/day of healthy honey for 60 days plus Fe 0.400 mg/day. At the same time, the control group was given Fe as much as 0.400 mg/day for 60 days. Then, the Hb level was checked using a Hematology analyzer. The tests used in the statistics were the paired sample t-test and the independent sample t-test.
Results: The study subjects were homogeneous data distribution between the two groups, most pregnant women aged 20-35 years. The results showed an increase in Hb levels pre and post-intervention in both groups. The increase in hemoglobin levels was more significant in the intervention group (9.20±0.55 vs. 12.26±0.95, p <0.001) with a difference of 3.06, while in the control group (9.16±0.58 vs. 10.71±0.55, p = <0.001) with the difference was 1.55. There was an increase in Hb levels in pregnant women who were intervened with healthy honey at the Bara-Barayya Community Health Center - Makassar City in 2021 (t-test > t count, 0.747 p-values < 0.05).
Conclusion: Healthy honey is more effective in increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with mild anemia, making it a natural alternative medicine to treat and prevent anemia while improving nutrition.