The Effectiveness of the Android-Based Try-Out Application for Competency Test of Midwife Students
Product development, competence Android-based try-out, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).Abstract
This study aims to develop an Android-based application for midwife competency tests that effectively enhance the graduation rate of midwifery students and validate the Android-based Midwifery Try-Out (BINIUS) application. Test the effectiveness of the Android-based Try-Out (BINIUS) application for a midwifery competency test. The method used in this study was a combination of R & D research and intervention, involving 68 respondents of Associate Degree D-III midwifery students in the final semester: 32 respondents from STIKES Salewangang – Maros and 36 respondents from STIKES Mega Rezky – Makassar, who were going through the One Group Pretest-Posttest results showed that before using the BINIUS application, 4.6% (29 students) passed, and 55.4% (39 students) did not pass the try-out competency test. Meanwhile, after using the BINIUS application, passed students increased to 90.8% (59 of 65 students), and 9.2% (9 students) was failed. Statistically, we revealed (P < 0.005). the results of the normality test carried out using SPSS analysis obtained a Sig 2-tailed value on the Kolmogorov Smirnov test (K-S test) of 0.000 which means the Sig value <0.05 which indicates that the is normally distributed. in the results of the try-out competition test at the two research institutions and an increase in the graduation rate, which means that there was a significant difference before and after using the BINIUS application, indicates the effectiveness of this android-based midwifery try-out application.