The Rulers' Advice to be Tolerant with the People Based on the Intertextual Relationship between Divine Revelation and Alawite Words with Emphasis on Letter 53


  • Mina Nejati, Rahmatollahabdollahzadeharani, Sayed Mostafa Manaqeb


There is no doubt about the need to create security and peace for the people and the society as a whole by the ruling political system. The claim of the religion of Islam and the progressive school of Shiism that it has a practical plan for all periods and actions and human needs also requires research to explore and extract security concepts and methods of creating and protecting it, so that the framework and Obtain the necessary instructions for Islamic societies. However, most of the researches that are done on religious texts take on the general jurisprudential and moral aspect and other aspects have been and are less considered. Among these, it can be said that the security and intelligence dimension in the religious heritage has the least research attention. Nahj al-Balaghah, as the heritage of Islam and Shiism, is no exception to this rule, and so far most research has focused on the moral recommendations of Amir al-Mo'menin Ali (AS). The forthcoming research, focusing on letter 53 of Nahj al-Balaghah addressed to Malik AshtarNakha'i as the governor of Egypt, intends to focus on the pure heritage of Islam and Shiism on the one hand, and to study only the period when the Imams were at the head of the political government. On the other hand, based on the descriptive-analytical method, the dimensions and components of protection that he has ordered to his governor as the behavioral characteristics of an Islamic ruler to be counted and explained. The obtained result indicates that among the six dimensions of protection, three dimensions of protection of employees, protection of documents and protection of places have been considered and emphasized by Imam Ali (AS) in this letter. Among these, the protection of employees with the highest frequency of components is at the forefront of the orders of the Imam, and in the other two dimensions, the main attention of the Imam is on the human factor, and this can be a reason for the humanizing of the school of Imams.


