Decoding Gender Symbols in Traditional Leadership of Karampuang Customary Village in South Sulawesi’s Sinjai District


  • Ery Iswary, Muhammad Hasyim, Fakhira Yaumil Utami


Gender roles, gender symbols, traditional leadership, local culture, Karampuang


This study aims to explore gender symbols in traditional leadership in the Karampuang customary village, both contained in the philosophy of the architectural form of traditional houses and in the expression of socio-cultural values ​​which are used as guidelines in carrying out traditional leadership. The gender symbols indicated in exercising traditional leadership come from macrocosmic elements, namely land, water, fire and wind. The socio-cultural values ​​found, especially the appreciative nature of women's roles for empowering women based on local culture can shape the character of the younger generation in a more positive direction, where women as mothers become the foundations for children's character. These socio-cultural values ​​can become a medium for inculcating the character of the nation and a media for awareness to care for the environment and to keep the earth safe (the save the world movement). This study aims to find and develop local wisdom values, especially gender roles in leadership that can be adopted today.


