Pedagogical Conditions of Training Future Bachelors of Arts in Linguistics for Professional Translation Practice


  • Olena Vasylchenko, Yuliia Khalemendyk, Iuliia Derevianko, Viktoriya Syno, Oksana Bielykh


One of the principal linguist's activities is translation practice. Since translators mediate intercultural communication, their role in society is increasing. In the process of training future Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Linguistics for professional translation practice, paramount importance is given to pedagogical conditions, i.e., specially created circumstances, factors of action, the interaction of the pedagogical process subjects, the totality of which determines the effectiveness of forming professional competence of future Bachelors of Arts in Linguistics. The training of future specialists is determined by the level of their personal and professional development. The student in linguistics, at the present stage of social development, is required not just to use the knowledge, abilities, and skills received in a higher education institution but also to be ready to continuous creative self-development both professionally and personally. This article aims to develop a structural and functional model and investigate the relationship between the pedagogical conditions of future bachelors' professional training and learning outcomes.

Methodology. The research method is the psychological, pedagogical, scientific, and methodological literature analysis on the research problem. Also, there are systematization, generalization, and interpretation of the material under consideration. Pedagogical conditions of professional competence formation of future BA in Linguistics (presence of motivational and value-environment in the educational process; development of personal and professionally significant qualities, moral and moral improvement of the future specialist) in higher education institutions have been determined. The pedagogical experiment in evaluating the dynamics of students' professional development, as an indicator of the effectiveness of the connection between the pedagogical conditions of future bachelors' professional training and the results of learning, was held.

Results. The essence and structure of the "Bachelors' readiness for the professional and pedagogical practice of linguistics" concept, providing high-quality formation of professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities of a teacher, were defined. The model of training future BA in Linguistics for professional activity has been formed. The efficiency and effectiveness of motives in translation activity have been found out. The effectiveness of a necessary set of pedagogical conditions has been proved. The practical value of the scientific article lies in the creation of a structural and functional model based on four blocks with its subsequent implementation in practice.


