Importance of History and Theories of Architecture in Architectural Education
Architecture, Architects, Built forms, History, TheoriesAbstract
Since the formation of architecture, the history and the theories pertaining to it have been considered as a principle. Its the history of the place that renders its identity and the image through which the local residents relate themselves to that place and the visitors also identify its charecterstics through its historical backgrounds.
As Frank Owen Gehry says “In the end the character of a civilization is encased in its structures. The picture of the cityscape can be read with the help of its history especially the architectural built forms which elaborate the legacy of attributes of society that is inherited from the past generations
The history and theories of architecture goes hand in hand as it is very important to fathom the physical, social, cultural scenarios to understand the built form and at the same time the in and out, the materials, the concept, building form should be understood to comprehend the philosophy of the architect.
As Le Corbusier stated” The engineer inspired by the law of economy and led by the mathematical calculation puts us in accord with the law of the universe. He achieves harmony. The architect, by his arrangement of forms, achieves an order which is a pure creation of his spirit. It is then we can experience beauty.”
The preeminent intention of this research paper lies in enticing the attention in light of the above statement of the legend that the architects of every era had their own electism and when the era became past and was replaced by another then it gained the importance of being history.