Personal Predictors of Psychological Well-Being of Students of Creative Higher Educational Institution
psychological well-being, prediction, psychological culture, motivation and value potential, power of cultural and psychological aspirations, materialization degree of aspirations, harmoniousness levelAbstract
The purpose of this research is twofold. First, we compare psychological well-being profiles of three sample groups with different development levels of it. Second, we evaluate those personal factors, which predict the state of the students’ psychological well-being. The results based on six parameters of psychological well-being (RPWB) demonstrated the following: 1) the higher the psychological well-being level, the more challenging the commitment to personal development and independent behavior; 2) at the low level of psychological well-being the isolation experience is compensated by the aspiration to have positive attitude to others, to be more conforming. It turned out that а) satisfaction and positive attitude to mastering a creative profession increase with the elevation of harmoniousness level of the power of cultural and psychological aspirations and their materialization degree; b) there are two ways of harmonization: self-development of the motivation potential with the availability of the appropriate skills; self-development of skills necessary for the motivation potential materialization. We make the conclusion that a means and, consequently, a well-being predictor is psychological culture, quantitatively expressed in the power harmoniousness level and materialization degree of aspirations to be a subject, reflexive and creative