Threshold Concepts in Undergraduate Mathematics Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Development
This study aims to investigate some threshold concepts related to problem solving ability in mathematics of undergraduate mathematics students. Forty students were randomly selected through proportionate stratified sampling among the students majoring in mathin the upper three (3) curricular years. This investigation is a survey methodology using a correlational approach. Analysis of the data gathered yielded the following results: students’ ability to solve verbal mathematics problems is dependent on his/her ability to translate verbal mathematics statements to symbols; reading comprehension is significantly related to the ability and skill in translating verbal mathematics statements to symbolic form and solving mathematics verbal problem; and students who have positive attitude toward verbal mathematics problem perform better than those with negative attitude. Thus, the basic skills on comprehension, translation of verbal statement to symbolic for and attitude of students are the threshold concepts needed toward building a strong foundation for successful problem-solving endeavor. Thus, teachers should be instrumental in the upliftment of the basic goal of education and should impart appropriate learning experiences in the teaching of problem solving.