A Study on Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices of Selected Indian Companies
In the recent decade, corporate governance (CG) has exploded in popularity, and it is now widely recognised as a critical business feature. The Asian financial crisis has been attributed to "poor" CG and "lack" of company financial reporting transparency. As a result, a significant increase in transparency is required, both in "accounting" and "public disclosures." Nowadays, CG disclosure is a central feature of the modern corporate regulation system, which includes a company's provision of information to the public in a number of formats. This 'empirical' case study examines the CG disclosure procedures in India in light of CG compliance requirements and mandatory/non-mandatory disclosure standards, as contemplated by the latest provisions of the SEBI's "Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement." This article investigates the practises of corporate governance in a number of India's publicly traded corporations. The researcher chose ten organisations from ten different industries for this investigation.