Interpretation of the Fate of Мotherland and Nation in English and Uzbek Historical Novels


  • Makhliyo Umarova, Saodat Sultonsaidova, Dilfuza Rasulmuhamedova, Mahina Kuchkarova


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Any national literature is an integral part of world literature, which describes its language, culture, traditions and geographic region. Historical novel plays the main role in the description of the nation, culture and literature. As we know, a historical novel is a novel built on a historical plot that reproduces in artistic form an era, a certain period of history. The genre of a historical novel came to literature as a literary genre in the XIX th century. Walter Scott was the first writer in the history of literature to experience true world fame throughout his life. Uzbek writer the founder of the first historical novel Abdulla Kadiri as an advanced intellectual of his time cared about the fate of the homeland and the nation. In a historical novel, historical truth is combined with fictional truth, historical fact with fictional fiction, real historical persons with fictional faces; fiction is placed within the limits of the depicted era. The entire narrative in a historical novel is conducted against the background of historical events.

Walter Scott is considered the creator of the first true historical novels and the founder of the genre. In such works as " Waverley or tis sixty years since" (1814), "Rob Roy" (1817), "Ivanhoe" (1819), "Quentin Dorward" (1823), etc., Scott was able to combine historical fact with artistic fiction, using both romantic and realistic literary methods of representation. Kadiriy was one of the most influential Uzbek writers of the 20th century. He introduced realism into Uzbek literature through his historical novels “Bygone days”(1922) and “Scorpion in the Pulpit”(1929).


