A Novel Asymmetric Inset Feed Octagon Geometry Microstrip Patch Antenna for WPAN


  • Dr. P.Venu Madhav




The innovation in antenna engineering leads to the fast-growing communication systems, the microstrip patch antennas have demonstrated to be the most progressive discovery in the epoch of miniaturization. From the literature survey, it is observed that rectangular patch has a better value of return loss, VSWR, and HPBW than circular MPA. Whereas, circular MPA has greater bandwidth and gain than Rectangular MPA.

In a review of the popularly used substrate and superstrate [2], materials like FR4 epoxy in the design of asymmetric inset fed, this paper presents an octagonal geometry as a microstrip patch antenna and its analysis [5]. It proposes the design specifications of the patch antenna that operates between 3-5 GHz band region with a resonating frequency suitable for 5G and other high bandwidth devices. The suggested model is evaluated on the performance parameters: return loss, bandwidth, VSWR, Gain, and Half-power beam width. The frequency tuning is to be matched for the proposed antennas to compensate for performance to improve bandwidth and gain such that it fits into radar, wireless and satellite applications.


