Mediating Effects of Organizational Trust and HR Policies on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Work Satisfaction in View of the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study on the Perception of IT Employees in India


  • Bhavika Bindra, Dr. Shikha Kapoor


Information Technology (IT) industry is a significant contributor to the GDP of India.However, the IT industry witnesses burgeoning dissatisfaction among employees and the subsequent mass attrition, which in turn affects organizational productivity. The pandemic of Covid-19  worsens the situation further. A majority of companies have reduced salaries, rewards, and other such expenses to decrease their losses. Such measures upset employees’ trust in their organizations, causing dissatisfaction and lack of work engagement. Such situations require strategies to satisfy employees and maintain organizational productivity. In this backdrop, the present paper has examined the impact of organizational justice on work satisfaction and the roles of HR practices and organizational trust on the relation between organizational justice and employee satisfaction in the context of IT organizations and the pandemic situation. The study has shed light on the importance of maintaining trust among employees and developing policies to impress employees about organizational fairness during the pandemic. The required data were gathered from a randomly selected 403 IT employees in India. Data analysis demonstrated full mediation of both organizational trust and HR on the relationship between organizational justice and work satisfaction of employees during the pandemic.


