Cyber Attack detection Using K-means Machine Learning


  • Nasim Matar, Ahmed Hassan Hassan, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Farah H. Zawaideh, Yasser Mohamed Abdelrahman Tarshany, Yazeed Al Moaiad


intrusion detection, k-means algo, machine learning, swarm intelligence


Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is a threat because in the explosion of computers networks and the myriad of recent content-based threats, which occur almost on a daily. As well as an overview of machine learning approaches for signature and anomaly detection methods, this article discusses several machine learning strategies applied to intrusion detection and preprocessing. The NIDS taxonomy and attribute classifier have been given to create classifications are outlined. Using many data sets, machine learning methods are widely utilised in anomaly detection. Additional preprocessing methods have been added to that include, for example, sorting and discretization have been applied to that data collection of measured values. Custom methods focused on the usage of search algorithms using machine learning that use novel search algorithms are vulnerable to being revealed. This analysis is highly relevant to the use of machine learning methods used in computer security, which furthers their cause.


