Critical Thinking Process of Students with Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligence in Solving Mathematics Problems
Critical thinking, intelligence, interpersonal, intrapersonal, math problemsAbstract
This study aims to describe the critical thinking process of students with interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence in solving mathematical problems. This type of research is categorized as exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research include male students with interpersonal intelligence and female students with intrapersonal intelligence. Data collection is done by giving a problem solving test (TPM) and interviews. The results of this study indicate that male students with interpersonal intelligence, hereinafter referred to as SLR, in solving mathematical problems at the stage of understanding the problem, first perform interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of compiling a problem-solving plan, first conduct analysis and can explain the logical reasons why using the problem-solving plan as described. In addition, SLR conducts evaluation, explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of implementing the problem-solving plan, SLR performs inference, evaluation, explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of re-examining the results of the work, the SLR performs inference, evaluation and self-regulation in the form of activities to re-check the steps that have been taken from beginning to end by re-checking what is known, asked, but not recalculated, simply by reading the available information questioned and then matched the results of the calculations by simply looking at the results of the calculations that had been done. Furthermore, female students with intrapersonal intelligence, hereinafter referred to as SPA, in solving mathematical problems at the stage of understanding the problem, the subject performs interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of compiling a problem-solving plan, the SPA performs an analysis and can explain the logical reasons why using the problem-solving plan as described above.